Welcome to M-LYX

Step into the multidimensional realm, where technology and creativity converge to redefine the boundaries of design. M-LYX, a Berlin-based ever-evolving collective, introduces an extraordinary fusion of physical and digital experiences, forging the path for a new era of creative economies.

Embrace the Phygital Playground

M-LYX pioneers the next-generation Web3 platform, where creative processes come alive in both physical and digital dimensions. As we open our platform to collaborate with talented creatives and emerging designers, we strive to develop groundbreaking hybrid products, verified on the LUKSO blockchain.

A Vibrant Collaboration of Dimensions

The demand for immersive experiences in the digital lifestyle arena is reshaping the future of creative industries and design processes. At M-LYX, we bridge the gap between the digital and physical realms, fostering collaboration and innovation across creative production. Prepare for a significant shift in how people engage with lifestyle products as M-LYX offers designers and creators from both dimensions unparalleled prospects in the growing creative economies.

Collaboration, Transparency, and Innovation: Our Key Principles

At M-LYX, we inspire creators to participate in an open ecosystem where digital and physical dimensions blend harmoniously. Our principles of collaboration, transparency, and innovation create a hyper-creative, decentralized, and hybrid environment for designers and architects of the multiverse to harness the power of Web3 and explore the new digital lifestyle arena.

Join the Creative Revolution

M-LYX invites you to join the journey in bringing together previously disconnected sectors of creative production into an open and collaborative interdisciplinary ecosystem. As a cutting-edge platform, we serve as an incubator and essential bridge between these two dimensions, revolutionizing creative processes - and we want you to be a part of it.

Reach out: [email protected]